Russia country of the bad roads, "Much in her wood, flap and rivers" and on the whole this wealth to us to want to go and sail. Many amateurs of the hunt, fishings or simply amateurs to make the aurochses in place, where did not step the leg of the person, buy itself jeeps - an внедорожники, snowmobiles, квадроциклы and boats. All this together cost(stand)s the enormous money and not on pocket of the average person. We rode on taiga on fishing and on hunt, and not through hearsay know that it is necessary fisherman and huntsman. We tried to unite in our brainchild all advantage afore-mentioned transport facilities, having adapted him(it) to severe climate of our russian nature. The Dune buggy amphibian Hanter 3 in многом looks like their own brother canadian or american dune buggy, but on many parameter exceeds them. As follows: 1) Road bright spot 258 mms in the most lower point bilge. This повыше, than beside many jeep.
2) travell about On 29.5 inches, with very high protector. The Dirt on such protector does not залипает.
3) Screw propeller as beside motorboat or motor boat (the beautiful velocity on water 15 km/ hour.) From below screw close protection from stainless steels. The Issue on screw propeller карданная. Revers is stood in separate редуктор.
4) On water rows not only screw, possible connect and travell about that allows easy to dart out on coast.
5) Demulitiplikator with direct and lowerring issue, more important thing for it is difficult passable places. The Velocity on raised issue 40-45 km/hour. On lowered issue before 15 km/hour.
6) Otopiteli salon, as in usual machine, with обдувом ветрового glass.
7) Electric windlass with remote upravleniem., capable выдернуть dune buggy from any marsh. The Tractive effort nearly 2 tons, this as beside GAS 66.
8) Four thumb headlights (with near and distant light, halogen lamps) have installed on arcs of safety повыше that comfortable at hunt or motion on high herb or shrubbery.
9) Hanter is supplied by spare wheel, installed on bracket, and does not occupy the place in passenger salon.
10) Have Installed фаркоп, for towing the trailor. In wood he simply necessary, where log to pull up to, where machine отбуксировать or from dirt выдернуть.
All these примочки not options, but standard completing, doing pushcart on 6 wheels, the present dune AATV.